Websites in the decentralized TON network
The developers of the TON blockchain platform refer to it as web 3.0, which is a new notion of a decentralized Internet built on blockchain technology. Investors and users are interested in web 3.0, and decentralized apps are rapidly increasing.
from censorship
Websites accessed via The Open Network. The key distinction from a regular website is that because the program is dispersed among client devices, it cannot be shut down by an external state censor.
Pavel Durov's team, who launched the Toncoin cryptocurrency, will deliver many new services, including TON Sites, by the end of 2023. Telegram has not ruled out the potential of incorporating them into its messenger, according to Forbes.
TON websites can be used as an entry point for other platform services. For example, html pages downloaded from TON Sites may have links such as ton:// - a user having a TON Wallet installed can make a payment by clicking on such a link.
WEB 3.0 sites on The Open Network.
Become one of TON Site's first proud owners!
A one-page selling website.
A great place to start your internet business.
A full-fledged website for a company with a more complex structure and stylish design.
A full-featured online store with a bright design. Full automation of sales.
A one-of-a-kind design tailored to your demands.
* Refund up to 5 TON of the domain name cost.
Will be available after the release of TON DNS, TON Proxy, TON Sites and TON Storage.
Product line
Development of a product line of websites
Development of Landing page templates
Development of unique Landing Page design layouts by a professional designer.
The set of available design layouts will be constantly updated with new exclusive options.
Development of Promo site templates
Development of unique design layouts of a Promo site by a professional designer.
The set of available design layouts will be constantly updated with new exclusive options.
Development of Corporate website templates
Development of unique design layouts of a Corporate website by a professional designer.
The set of available design layouts will be constantly updated with new exclusive options.
Development of Online store templates
Development of unique design layouts of an online store by a professional designer.
The set of available design layouts will be constantly updated with new exclusive options.
Developing websites on The Open Network*
* Will be available after the release TON DNS, TON Proxy, TON Sites and TON Storage.